(443)289-8606 [email protected]

The Recovery 180 Experience

Helping people transition from the prison of addiction to the freedom of life in recovery through our individualized treatment programs.

What is Recovery 180?

Recovery 180 is a low-intensity residential treatment program that provides substance abuse treatment in a structured sober living environment. We have multiple locations throughout Maryland which include Baltimore City, Carol County, and Eastern Shore. The program includes 6 months of housing and clinical services for clients as part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment.  Clients are supported as they gain skills to improve their physical, mental, emotional, and financial health, with the ultimate goal of becoming self-sufficient and independent.

Recovery 180 employs a team of professionals who are passionate about helping others gain freedom from drug and alcohol addiction.  Clients receive the support they need in order to build connections with support groups, friends, family, and communities.  Through individual therapy, group therapy, and case management services, Recovery 180 is committed to addressing all aspects of addiction and its underlying mental health issues in order to enhance one’s chances of achieving long-term recovery.

Group of Friends getting Coffee

The Mission of Recovery 180

Those suffering from addiction have often lost everything, most importantly themselves.  Our mission is to help those people suffering from substance abuse to not only get sober but also to build a life filled with purpose and meaning.

Recovery 180 is unique in that it offers clients a chance to enter life in recovery while receiving clinical and case management services designed to help clients rebuild their lives and guide them throughout their early recovery, when clients are most vulnerable to relapse.

The heartbeat of the Recovery 180 experience is the welcoming, experienced staff who are passionate about helping those struggling with addiction.  Clients are supported throughout their 6-month stay with services designed to assist them in becoming healthy, self-supporting, productive members of society.

Hand Tailored Solutions for Recovery

Every addiction, like every person, is unique. The Recovery 180 experience acknowledges this and adjusts the solutions we provide on a case-by-case basis. This ensures that clients receive treatment personalized to their needs and a plan for recovery built around their goals.

Diverse Group of People

Ready to make a change?